
Aquafeed Extrusion Technology Training Course

April 23-25 in As (Deadline: Apr. 13)
FoodStream is an Australian company which, working with Gordon Young of FiE and extrusion specialist Dennis Forte, has been presenting extrusion training in countries including Australia, Thailand, and New Zealand for almost 20 years. This course was first presented in Norway in 2015, with excellent feedback from participants. A program in Food
and Feed Drying Technology is also being offered on 26 & 27 April.

This 3-day course covers the principles of extrusion, the design of extrusion processes for aquatic feeds, as well as how the formulation interacts with the extrusion process.  Principles learned will be demonstrated using the extruder in the Centre for Feed Technology pilot plant.

The program provides a good background in general extrusion technology, but is specifically directed at aquafeed extrusion. The course is relevant to both single and twin screw extrusion technology.

The course will cover topics from the basics of extruders and their configuration, through what is happening chemically and physically inside the extruder barrel, to an understanding of extruder dies and extruder instability.

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